
Great Gray Owl - The Takeoff
from $50.00
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A Snowy Field - Michigan
from $50.00
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Winter Cardinal - Michigan
from $50.00
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Purple Sand Pipers - Michigan
from $50.00
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Enjoy the view together - Purple Sandpipers
from $50.00
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Great Gray Owl - Snow On My Mind
from $50.00
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Great Gray Owl - At Home
from $50.00
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Saw Whet Portrait
from $50.00
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Saw Whet in the Leaves
from $50.00
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Evening Grosbeak Coming Down to Eat
from $50.00
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Canada Geese in The Fall
from $50.00
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Cardinal in Fall - Michigan
from $50.00
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Eastern Screech in the Fall
from $50.00
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Barred Owl Portrait
from $50.00
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Wood Duck
from $50.00
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Least on the Rock
from $50.00
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Ruby Throated Up Close
from $50.00
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Ruby Throated Amongst the Flowers
from $50.00
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House Wren Feeding
from $50.00
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Clearwing Hummingbird Moth on the Butterfly Bush
from $50.00
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Snowy Owl Portrait - Michigan
from $50.00
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Black-necked Stilt - Texas
from $35.00
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Chestnut Sided Warbler - Michigan
from $35.00
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Fish Crow - Florida
from $35.00
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Green Heron - Florida
from $35.00
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Reddish Egret - Florida
from $35.00
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Snowy Egret - Florida
from $35.00
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Great Egret - Florida
from $35.00
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Take Off - Gray Pelican - Florida
from $35.00
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Sunrise - Sanibel Island - Florida
from $35.00
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Black Bellied Plover - Florida
from $35.00
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Curve-Billed Thrasher - El Paso Texas
from $35.00
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Curve - Billed Thrasher
from $35.00
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Wild Turkey - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Bellied Woodpecker - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Wing Blackbird - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Wing Blackbird - Texas
from $35.00
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Red Knot - Michigan
from $35.00
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Sanderling - Michigan
from $35.00
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Sanderling - North Pier - Grand Haven Michigan
from $35.00
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Sanderling - Michigan
from $35.00
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Savannah Sparrow - Michigan
Take Off - Great Egret - New Jersey
from $35.00
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Piping Plover - New Jersey
from $35.00
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Shorebirds - Nummy Island - New Jersey
from $35.00
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Snowy Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Pileated Woodpecker - Michigan
from $35.00
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Snowy Owl
from $35.00
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Pink Sunrise - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Sunrise - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Morning Flight - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Snow Geese - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Morning Rise - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Pintails and Mallards Taking Off - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Cloud of Snows - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Cooper's Hawk - Bosque Del Apache - New Mexico
from $35.00
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Lesser Goldfinch - Texas
from $35.00
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Cactus Wren - Texas
from $35.00
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Yellow Headed Blackbirds - Texas
from $35.00
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Yellow Headed Blackbird - Texas
from $35.00
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Dunlin - Texas
from $35.00
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Black-necked Stilt - Texas
from $35.00
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Tri-colored Heron - Creepin - Texas
from $35.00
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Contemplation - Black-necked Stilt - Texas
from $35.00
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Brown Pelican - Florida
from $35.00
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White Breasted Nuthatch - Michigan
from $35.00
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Yellow Warbler (Mangrove) - Texas
from $35.00
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Green Jay - Texas
from $35.00
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Northern Harrier - Texas
from $35.00
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Roseate Spoonbill - Texas
from $35.00
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Great Kiskadee - Texas
from $35.00
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Least Grebe - Texas
from $35.00
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Herring Gull - Michigan
from $35.00
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Winter Redhead - Michigan
from $35.00
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Redheads in Flight - Michigan
from $35.00
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Mute Swans - Michigan
from $35.00
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Ring-billed Gull - Odd Ball - Michigan
from $35.00
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Long-tailed Duck - Michigan
from $35.00
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Long-tailed Ducks - Michigan
from $35.00
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Ring-billed Gull - Michigan
from $35.00
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Brown Creeper - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Burrowing Owl - AZ
from $35.00
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Sandhill Crane - California
from $39.00
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Verdin - Arizona
from $35.00
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Verdin - Arizona
from $35.00
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Snowy Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Snowy Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Barred Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Blue Jay - Michigan
from $35.00
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Great Gray Owl - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Great Gray Owl - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Great Gray Owl - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Great Gray Owl - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Black-capped Chickadee - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Black-capped Chickadee - Minnesota
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Watching from Above - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Northern Saw-whet Owl - Michigan
from $35.00
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Turkey Vulture in Dead Tree - Arizona
from $35.00
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Wilson's Snipe - Michigan
from $35.00
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Greater Roadrunner - Arizona
from $35.00
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Mexican Jay - Arizona
from $35.00
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Acorn Woodpecker - Arizona
from $35.00
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Broad-billed Hummingbird - Arizona
from $35.00
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Sandhill Cranes at Sunset - Wildfire Sunset - Michigan
Singing Dickcissel - Michigan
from $35.00
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Spotted Sandpiper - Michigan
from $35.00
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Spotted Sandpiper - Michigan
from $35.00
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Sandhill Crane - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Winged Blackbird - Michigan
from $35.00
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Bobolink - Michigan
from $35.00
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Sandhill Crane - Whitehall Michigan
from $35.00
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Yellow Warbler - Michigan
from $35.00
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Blackburnian Warbler - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Breasted Nuthatch - Michigan
from $35.00
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Tufted Titmouse - Michigan
from $35.00
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Chestnut Sided Warbler Song - Apple Tree - Michigan
from $35.00
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White Breasted Nuthatch - Michigan
from $35.00
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Eastern Towhee - Michigan
from $35.00
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The 3 Amigos - Florida
from $39.00
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Hanging Out - Florida
from $35.00
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Osprey - Florida
from $35.00
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Marbled Godwit - Florida
from $35.00
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Royal Tern - Florida
from $35.00
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Willet - Florida
from $35.00
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Ruddy Turnstone - Florida
from $35.00
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Fish Crow - Florida
from $35.00
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Brown Pelican - Florida
from $35.00
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Brown Pelican - Florida
from $35.00
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Norther Flicker in Springtime - MI
from $35.00
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Female Northern Flicker - MI
from $35.00
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Purple Finch in Spring - MI
from $35.00
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Northern Flicker - MI
from $35.00
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Yellow Bellied Sapsucker - MI
from $35.00
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Snowy Owl and TV Antenna - Michigan
from $35.00
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Burrowing Owl - AZ
Burrowing Owl - AZ
from $35.00
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Common Redpoll in the snow - MI
from $35.00
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Common Redpoll - MI
from $35.00
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Black Capped Chickadee - Michigan
from $35.00
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Tufted Titmouse - Michigan
from $35.00
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Red Breasted Nuthatch - Michigan
from $35.00
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Black Capped Chickadee - Michigan
from $35.00
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Anna's Hummingbird - Arizona
from $35.00
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Bosque Del Apache - Morning Flight
from $35.00
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